Pokemon news from Down Under.
Rapid Spin is a normal physical attack with a power rating of 20. Rapid Spin is 100% accurate and has 40 PP. A high-speed spinning attack.
Does little damage but can be used to break out of bind, wrap etc.
Pokemon | Type | Power |
Anorith | rock, bug | 20 |
Baltoy | ground, psychic | 20 |
Blastoise | water | 20 |
Claydol | ground, psychic | 20 |
Delibird | ice, flying | 20 |
Donphan | ground | 20 |
Forretress | bug, steel | 20 |
Hitmontop | fighting | 20 |
Kabuto | rock, water | 20 |
Pineco | bug | 20 |
Sandshrew | ground | 20 |
Shellder | water | 20 |
Squirtle | water | 20 |
Starmie | water, psychic | 20 |
Staryu | water | 20 |
Tentacool | water, poison | 20 |
Tyrogue | fighting | 20 |
Wartortle | water | 20 |