Contact Ben Boyle (

You are welcome to use this form to contact me with any comments or feedback. Say hi, ask a question, it’s all good. You can email me directly at anytime. I usually reply within a day or two.

To: Ben Boyle <>
Sender’s details

About your privacy

You can provide a name and email address if you would like a reply. It is entirely up to you. These details will be sent—along with your message—in an email to me.

Your nickname, whatever you want to be called.
If you want a reply, I will need this.

Damn all this spam, dammit I say, I cannot sit here and read spam every day, or at night, without light, or with light or by day, I cannot read spam, you must understand, not in June nor in March nor even in May, so today here I say, to the spammers dismay, I’ll read no more junk mail until this wednesday, at which point I’ll stop and have lunch.