Benjamin S Boyle, Multimedia developer / Examples of work /

Ecommerce / web developer

The following examples are taken from my employment as an e-commerce developer with

Jumbomall - Shopping Portal (January 2000)

Jumbomall - Shopping Portal (shown: search results)

The Jumbomall shopping website has undergone many facelifts since its inception in June 1999. This "2000" incarnation built upon the feel of the previous site, whilst introducing some newer dynamic features (the client login on the left side for example).

The site is run off a template system handled by Perl (and SQL where required).

Jumbostore - Merchants' Portal (May 2000)
Jumbostore - Merchants' Portal The Jumbostore website was initially built to open a direct market to merchants, many of whom were ill-served by the shopping portal nature of Jumbomall. The site follows the same theme as the Jumbomall site. It is a much smaller site, less "cluttered" than the busy, active nature of the shopping site.
Jumbostore "Wizard" Merchant Administration Tool (April 2000)
The Wizard - (shown: Product Ordering Settings) The Jumbostore Wizard is a web interface to the underlying database, available to merchants to use to configure and maintain their store, products, custom template settings, etc. It is heavily based on Perl CGI scripts, SQL, FORM interface and template generation.

Clients are authenticated by a username/password check, and then by cookies (handled by Perl) throughout the remainder of their session.
Jumbopay "Vault" Secure Order Retrieval System (May 2000)
Jumbopay Vault (shown: order summary) The Vault is similar to the wizard (above), but deals specifically with orders from customers. It is a fully secure (HTTPS) site as order details must be encrypted between client and server.

Please note that these websites have been altered by since I worked on them.

June 1999: Jumbomall "Jumbo Wars" Star Wars promotion

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Copyright Ben Boyle 2003.