Benjamin S Boyle, Multimedia developer / Employment history / Department of Education /

Web industry and government standards

Standards provide a framework to ensure accessibility and interoperability as the web evolves, and business with it.

I used my expert knowledge of web standards to ensure the web development teams are aware of the pertinent issues and keep the standard of development consistently high. I have undertaken reviews of websites to assess the level of standards compliance as part of a quality assurance process.

My knowledge has supported all groups across Education Queensland, including but not limited to the Web Management Services team; website stakeholders and decision makers (strategic management level); website and application development groups (approximately 15–20 technical officers); and various content owners who dabble in publishing.

W3C recommendations

W3C recommendations guide development in Education Queensland. I have a broad understanding of all aspects of W3C's work, but particular expert knowledge in: XHTML, HTML, CSS, DOM, XML and the Web Accessibility Content Guidelines [WCAG].

Queensland Government standards

IS 26 is the Queensland Government's Internet standard. It covers website provision; customer focus in design; accuracy of information; Queensland Government branding; and accessibility.

In late 2001, I managed the audit of the entire Internet and Intranet websites. Due to time constraints, only a sample of pages could be audited in each subsite, but the information from this audit was sufficient to guide content owners in their own detailed audit of their content.

Table of contents

Copyright Ben Boyle 2003.